I am about half way through This Book Is Overdue: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All by Marilyn Johnson. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in libraries and librarians. In chapter one, Johnson says, "The walls of the library have grown porous now and in some cases are merely virtual, as librarians have come out from behind their desks to servce as active enablers in the digital age" (p. 10).
Do you feel as if you are an "active enabler in the digital age"? Are you helping students, teachers, patrons, friends, and family understand, navigate, and maximize the capabilities of the digital world around them? When was the last time you checked out the different options for accessing a real-world audience for student work? Do you actively engage in social networking?
Librarians have to enable themselves so that they can enable their comminuties. The first step in doing so it to dive into the great digital pool. Come on it! The water's fine.
Volunteer managers, you have my sympathy
1 week ago