War Games by Audrey and Akila Couloumbis is the story of Petros, an ordinary 12-year-old boy growing up in Greece in the 1940s. Petros, his brother, and his friends, marvel at the heroic exploits of their cousin who is fighting first the Italians, then the Germans. They engage in small acts of bravery, believing they are supporting Greece in its war efforts. The war becomes only too real when the Germans invade Petros’ small home town, and the glamour and glory of war are quickly replaced by fear.
The Couloumbises impart a true feeling for daily life in occupied Greece. The characters, both Greek and German, and fully developed. The novel is based on childhood experiences of Akila Couloumbis and the novel has an air of memoir.
My reading year was a good one
5 days ago
Is the movie WAR GAMES based on this book ? 7 people go out to the bushes to play with BB guns ,when 3 insane killers try and hunt them.